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Dr Anna Bryson (Project Co-Director)
"This project represents an exciting new departure for me. It brings together a number of long-held interests - in local history, in the political history of twentieth century Ireland, and in the power of individual historical accounts. These interviews will enable us to probe the roots of our conflict and to document the complex and often contradictory motivation of all kinds of people - be they lightly or greatly touched by history. Although challenging and extremely sensitive, this is work that I find personally rewarding."

Anna Bryson is the Project Co-Director. She joined the Department of Law at Queen Mary, University of London, in 2004 as the Principal Researcher for Professor McConville's Political Prisoners' Project. For the duration of the Peace Process Project she holds the position of Research Lecturer at the Centre for Contemporary Irish History, Trinity College Dublin, and is responsible, with Professor McConville, for the oversight and development of the research programme. She has considerable experience of the use of interviews as a tool for social and historical investigation. Her publications encompass ethnographical research on Northern Ireland, prison diaries, biographies and criminology. She has advised a number of organisations on the design and implementation of complex oral history projects.

To read Dr Bryson's academic biography Click here
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Principal Project Office:
Department of Humanities
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Dublin Road   Dundalk
County Louth   Ireland

* T   +353 42 9370420
F   +353 42 9370421
[email protected]
©   The Peace Process: Layers of Meaning
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